Deepnote Embeds provide a convenient and simple way to share graphs, visualizations, and data from your Python environments online.

Why Share?

Working transparently has several advantages over working silently / in a silo:

I’ve written about the importance of writing fast, and publishing often in a previous post.

Deepnote Embeds - Rapid iPython Publishing

Deepnote allows you to share or embed “blocks” online. This means you can create links to specific code blocks / outputs - and these outputs will update every time you re-run your Deepnote notebooks. This means other stakeholders will have a realtime view into your notebooks - not a messy v_old from two months ago.

Embeds can be published directly into Notion - and from there published to the web.

The Cars Database

Example - outputting a table from the cars database.

Example - outputting a table from the cars database.

MPH vs Horsepower Correlation in Cars Database

Example: Display a scatterplot relationship between cars’ MPH and HP

Example: Display a scatterplot relationship between cars’ MPH and HP